There's a little more than 70 days left in 2008. The holidays are almost upon us including the New Year. Inevitably, the New Year means New Year's resolutions. And we all know the number one resolution is weight loss.
Why wait until the New Year to start on the path to a better you? There's no time like today. To encourage you to eat healthier and exercise I'm launching a new series "Tips to a New You."
Here's your first tip to eat healthier for weight loss you can do right now.
Portion Control
Whether you're low carb, low fat, low calorie, or a combination of the three, portion control is still key. Learn simple "eye ball" techniques for measuring your portions and you will lose weight. If you aren't losing weight try precisely measuring your portions.
Here are two excellent sources for portion control:
Leigh Peele shows you how tiny mistakes in measuring servings can mean big mistakes in eating too many calories in this free online video.
Measuring Portions at Restaurants Video
Learn To Eyeball Portions (I recommend you first learn exactly what a portion looks like by actually measuring).
For the first fitness tip for weight loss check out my Fitness Examiner column.