I've wanted to post a personal update, but haven't had time, let alone energy.
My freelance writing jobs are keeping me busy (and I love it). I did let one job go, it was a bad fit. Too many chiefs and not enough Indians. And the pay rate was unacceptable considering the time and negotiations involved.
We were sick with a nasty flu over Christmas and New Year's. I ate convenient and unhealthy, moved way less, and gained around seven pounds (dropped two since). Not funny when you're barely five feet tall. My body fat percentage went up about 4 percent, and has since come down around 1 percent. The lack of regular training and flu left me weakened. I'm just recently getting up to speed again workout wise, (mostly on Chalean Extreme. I do love Chalene's new program!)
In other news, my husband and I are reworking our small business we've had since 1998, with improved sales as our goal. I'm designing our new website and we're exploring new markets like eBid and Webstore. We're aiming at independence in case our regular jobs evaporate. This takes what little extra time we have left after work and home life.
As a family, we do errands and ranch chores, including the care of 20 pets; fish, snake, cats, dogs, horses; moving feed, feeding, manure removal, grooming, etc. Plus we go shopping on weekends (a 25 mile drive one way), and cook homemade healthy dishes. And we aim to relax and let go of stress.
Wait! I haven't had time to let go of stress! I've been sleep deprived. But I'm catching on my sleep this week! We're remodeling our library and I moved stacks of books for 2 1/2 hours on Saturday morning from a high shelf to the floor below a wide shelf. I started feeling the muscles revolt later that afternoon. And I still have DOMS this evening. That was one smoking great workout. Except for the damn tendonitis! See previous post. I can barely lift my coffee cup.
Yes I've over trained! Previously I was alternating Chalean Extreme and P90X, my two favorite workouts, equally extreme though different training methods. I love the workouts, but my body is rebelling. Too much is too much. So I'm pulling ten hours of sleep a night.
Over-training and lack of sleep are a bad combo. It doesn't matter that my calories and macro-nutrients are on track.
Bottom line: I have a goal to get more rest and work out smarter.
I'm going to update my progress here. Stay tuned! It may get dirty...