Sunday, November 30, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Latest Examiner column "Thanksgiving is a great day for fun and fitness"

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Here's an excerpt of my latest Examiner column:
"We usually associate Thanksgiving with food and football. This year, instead of camping out on the couch watching football, get everyone outside for a game of touch football. While the average Thanksgiving feast runs upwards of 1600 calories, a fun hour of touch football burns roughly 595 calories. Not a big football fan? A family game of soccer burns 475 calories an hour. If you use a few of the calorie cutting tips below in conjunction with an hour of activity you can prevent holiday weight gain."
Read more.
While you're there, you might want to check out The Examiner's National Holiday Guide.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Get fit now for free

The economy is in the toilet and almost everyone is slashing spending. Our personal budgets are under careful scrutiny. Luxuries are the first items to get slashed. Unfortunately, for most people this includes gym memberships, fitness equipment, supplements, and even diet products.
Even if your household budget and wallet are losing weight, it doesn't mean you can't lose weight at the same time. You can get fit for free. What's the catch? Just the small inconvenience that you'll have to be self motivating and not rely on your $50 an hour personal trainer to whip you into shape. Oh, and you can forgo that pricey gym membership while saving on time and gas.
For more information, including three sources of free exercise videos and sample workout videos check out my latest column at The Examiner.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This is what I do when I have the flu...
I watch YouTube between flu induced naps. I'm so sick you're lucky I can paste the html into blogger at all. This video is too funny. I laughed so hard I need another nap.
Bill Maher,
Monday, November 17, 2008
Patricia Moreno Exercise Tips – Best Exercises For The Body You Want

Patricia Moreno founded IntenSati, a unique mind / body fitness program. Her unique integration of life coaching and physical activity for a powerful mind body experience can change your life.
This revolutionary program teaches you to delve deep into your mind and spirit to reveal your path to becoming the best you can be. Through the use of daily affirmations, yoga, martial arts, and dance, Patricia demonstrates the power of deliberate thought and how you can motivate yourself to take the positive action necessary to be successful in your fitness and weight loss goals.
Patricia recently passed these tips along to me to share with my readers and you can check them out at my Examiner column Exercise tips for a great body and a great life.
Patricia Moreno Workout Demo
Patricia Moreno
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Is there a weight loss cure for your mind?

"Create harmony between scientific knowledge and instinctual wisdom to sculpt a lean healthy body." – Matt Sison
Hypnosis can be a valuable tool for weight loss and weight maintenance. Hypnosis can be a potentially powerful path to permanent weight loss for many people. The key is to find a hypnotist who is highly trained, or a hypnosis program for weight loss designed by a highly trained hypnotist.
Weight Loss Made Simple CD by Matt Sison, C.Ht. and Rick Schaff, M.S.H.N. is just such a program. Weight Loss Made Simple is the best hypnosis program available today. I've tested my share of programs and this is my top choice. I use it regularly and highly recommend it. Both Rick Schaff and Matt Sison possess voices that are silky smooth and easy to listen to. The first time I finished listening to this set I wanted to immediately do so again. Talk about a "feel good" experience.
Many scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of hypnosis for weight loss. The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis defines hypnosis as "a state of inner absorption, concentration and focused attention." This state of focused concentration is similar to everyday activities like reading an absorbing novel, or playing an intense game of chess. Your mind is occupied with a single, profound focus on one thing. This creates a state of mind in which you can make the most of your thoughts. You can create the life you want by changing your thoughts. Hypnosis harnesses the power of thought and directs it in such a way that you can accomplish personal goals including weight loss.
One of the biggest road blocks to weight loss is your thoughts. If you've watched The Biggest Loser then you know that the personal coaching contestants receive include ways to break their habits of negative thinking and self sabotage. Until dieters change their thinking, and harness their minds for maximum weight loss results, they cannot successfully change their bodies. Permanent weight loss must be achieved through a permanent change to a healthy lifestyle. Hypnosis is an easy, pleasurable method to achieve this process.
Weight Loss Made Simple is based on Matt and Rick's combined experience of over 30 years helping individuals reach their health and fitness goals. You benefit directly from the guidance of a top rated hypnotist and a well respected nutrition and fitness expert. Matt Sison has received an international Hypnosis award only given to hypnotists held in high esteem. Rick Schaff is a Healthy Life Style Consultant with a Masters degree in Holistic Nutrition. He's also worked for some of the world's most influential Health and Fitness Magazines.
Don't spend hundreds of dollars on a hypnotist, or thousands at a Hypnosis center that may not deliver the quality of hypnosis you need. This CD set offers you the advice of two well respected professionals in the Hypnosis and Fitness / Nutrition industry for a fraction of the price.
While self hypnosis and free hypnosis websites exist, they do not offer the accurate, precise and effective hypnosis you receive from a licensed hypnotist with the experience and expertise that Matt Sison offers. Do not be fooled, hypnosis for weigh loss is only effective when delivered by a trained hypnotist of this high a caliber.
While there is no proven weight loss cure, hypnosis remains one of the most powerful weight loss tools available. Combined with a healthy approach to nutrition and physical activity, hypnosis is as close to a weight loss cure as we can get.
Weight Loss Made Simple is available through Matt Sison's Website Hypnosis and Fitness.
More on hypnosis research and it's effectiveness for weight loss.

Matt Sison, C.Ht.
Matt was awarded an International commendation given only to hypnotists considered to be in the top 1 percent of the industry. Matt's successful Hypnosis Concepts and Techniques brought him a list of clients from all over United States and overseas for private sessions: That list includes Celebrities, Olympic athletes and Professional Athletes. Furthermore, he teaches advanced Hypnotherapy concepts and methods to therapists of all sorts. Before becoming a Hypnotherapist, Matt was a successful fitness trainer for over 9 years, certified by the International Sports Science Association. Recently, he collaborated with Fitness-Nutrition Expert, Rick Schaff - M.S.H.N, to produce an inspiring program for weight loss. Read more about it and listen to audio samples by visiting: Hypnosis weight loss cds.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Can Alli make you a biggest loser?

Alli for weight loss; is it safe and effective?
What is Alli?
Alli weight loss aid is the latest diet craze. It's simply an over-the-counter version is the diet drug orlistat. Known as Xenical, orlistat was widely researched, and in double blind testing found to be effective for weight loss. Alli is a lower dose than the prescription drug, yet effective if used in combination with a low fat diet and exercise.
Is Alli a weight loss cure?
While a sure fire weight loss cure does not exist, Alli is a useful tool in your weight loss arsenal. The only other medical intervention that causes weight loss is weight loss surgery which is invasive and potentially dangerous.
How does Alli work?
Alli blocks 30 percent of the fat you eat and causes it to pass undigested through your digestive tract. Relatively safe to use, Alli can be purchased at virtually all drug stores, pharmacies, many grocery stores, and through online retailers like Amazon, Netrition, and
Is Alli safe?
Alli is the only FDA approved weight loss drug. While safe, it can have side effects if misused. Effective for men and women, Alli is taken right before meals containing fat, and can be taken up to three times a day. Because Alli causes fat to pass through your digestive tract, it's recommended that you eat no more than 15 grams of fat in each meal. This will help you avoid embarrassing symptoms like gas and diarrhea.
Will you be a biggest loser by using Alli?
That depends on you and whether you also follow a healthy, calorie controlled, low fat diet. Moderate exercise will enhance your weight loss results and improve your health. Unlike Hoodia, which purports to control appetite, Alli was proven in scientific studies.
Are there effective alternatives to taking Alli?
Yes. Regular exercise and proper diet with careful calorie and carbohydrate control is effective for weight loss. If you simple eat 30 percent less fat you will not need Alli to remove it in the first place.
Biggest Loser,
Fast Weight Loss,
Fat Loss,
Weight Loss
Monday, November 10, 2008
Bloggers Unite Today For Refugees
Imagine you wake up tomorrow and you are forced to leave your home and your country. You can only take what you can carry, or stuff into a suitcase or bags. If you're lucky, you may get to pack your possessions, some clothes, bedding, and food, into a small car. If you're unlucky, you leave with only the clothes on your back.
You are afraid for your life. You don't know what the future holds. You may be cold and hungry, and you will soon be tired. You will assuredly face exhaustion, and hopelessness may become your constant companion.
This is a fact of life for millions of men, women, and children around the world. And it's time for it to end.
According to Wikipedia, refugees are a subgroup of the broader category of displaced persons. Environmental refugees are people displaced by environmental problems such as drought, floods, earthquake, or severe weather. These displaced people are not included in the definition of "refugee" under international law.
According to international refugee law, a refugee is someone who seeks refuge in a foreign country because of war and violence, or out of fear of persecution "on account of race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group," to use the terminology from U.S. law.
The lead international agency coordinating refugee protection is the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). UNHCR counted 8,400,000 refugees worldwide at the beginning of 2006. The major exception was the 4,300,000 Palestinian refugees under the authority of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). This group is the only one to be granted refugee status to the descendants of refugees according to the above definition.
The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants estimates there are over 34,000,000 refugees displaced by war, including internally displaced persons like the Palistinians who remain within the same national borders. The majority of refugees who leave their country seek asylum in countries neighboring their country of nationality.
The durable solutions to refugee populations, as defined by UNHCR and governments, are voluntary repatriation to the country of origin, local integration into the country of asylum, and resettlement to a third country.
As of December 31, 2005, the largest source countries of refugees are the Palestinian Territories, Afghanistan, Iraq, Myanmar, and Sudan. The country with the largest number is Sudan, with over 5 million. According to UNHCR estimates, over 4.7 million Iraqis have been displaced since the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, with 2.7 million within Iraq and 2 million in neighbouring countries. At least 60,000 Iraqis are losing their homes and becoming refugees every month.
With awareness comes outrage. Outrage brings activism. Activism brings change.
It's time each of us opens are eyes and takes a good, hard look at the refugee problem in our world. It's time to be outeaged and it's time to demand change. It's time to create change.
Bloggers Unite,
Friday, November 7, 2008
GoTrybe For A Healthy Childhood is on a mission and our children are their targets. Focusing on preventing and addressing childhood obesity, GoTrybe gets kids involved in an active lifestyle and healthy nutrition with activities including online games, online exercise tracking, and specialized help for diabetes and other health issues.
My son, a precocious and critical eight year old, tested the website along side me and GoTrybe more than tested muster. He loved designing his own avatar, and building his own workout. You can also choose a workout from GoTrybe Favorites. The best feature is 'Work it Out your way." At GoTrybe, kids always get to choose what physical activities they want to do. This flexibility and variety keeps them interested and coming back for more. Daily quotes and videos get kids excited and motivated to workout.
"Your Daily Bite" highlights proper nutrition. The daily nutrition tip guides kids to make easy and healthy food choices. They learn to ask questions about their habits like, "Should I eat fried or baked foods?"
Quick quizzes help gauge whether they're absorbing new information.
A Whole Body Health section teaches kids all about how to stay healthy. The tips and quizzes in this section making learning about healthy lifestyle as easy as child's play.
Kids are rewarded for working out and making healthy choices by receiving points and playing online GoTrybe flash games. They can also chat with other GoTrybe members and add buddies to their buddy list. This social support reinforces their likelihood of pursuing their health, weight control, and fitness goals.
GoTrybe offers three levels tailored to members age group including Zoodoos for grades 5 and under, Trybei80 for grades 6 through 8, and NextTrybe for grade 9 through 12. Most all children will benefit from participating in the GoTrybe community. Designed specially for children, it's a safe and educational online environment.
A one year subscription is $29.95 and two years is a bargain at $39.95.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
A Warm Welcome to the New First Family
Photo courtesy of Barack What a lovely family. I'm honored to have them as my country's first family. We are so happy and relieved.

Barack Obama,
Michelle Obama,
President Elect
Monday, November 3, 2008
Healthy New Age - Holistic Healing and Alternative Health Care Solutions

I'm a contributor at an inspiring and very informative website, Healthy New Age. I encourage all my readers to check out the useful resources there. There's plenty of great articles to read, and not just ones I wrote. Check out the links below for a sample.
Truth About Fats, Cholesterol, and Health: Fats Are Good for You and Other Secrets by Jon J. Kabara, PhD By Sandy Breckenridge
Chalean Extreme Review - Chalean Johnson of Turbo Jam Creates New Workout DVD By Carol Bardelli
Rosemary Plant Has Many Healing Properties By Meera Manek
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Caribou Barbie's Latest Gaffe
Just when you think Sarah Palin couldn't possibly find one more pile of moose caca to step in she goes and steps in another one. Governor Palin - what was Alaska thinking? - took a prank call from a radio DJ pretending to be French president Nicolas Sarkozy. And Sarah bought his whole stick lock, stock, and barrel, despite the fact he dropped big hints he was a fake.
This would be funny except for the fact this woman could be one step away from the presidency. The ramifications of that are staggering. "Mrs. President, it's Osama Bin Laden on the line. He says if we don't hand over Alaska for his new base he'll blow up the White House and the capitol."
This would be funny except for the fact this woman could be one step away from the presidency. The ramifications of that are staggering. "Mrs. President, it's Osama Bin Laden on the line. He says if we don't hand over Alaska for his new base he'll blow up the White House and the capitol."
Sarah Palin,