Although I'm a bit of an amateur photographer and a Photoshop junkie, I'm just now experimenting with designing for Cafe Press. This first one is photo free. I wanted to take a photo of a red pepper for it but Jerry had my kitchen trashed quite awhile. He installed a new electric hot water heater and the kitchen faucet simultaneously decided to go belly up. We live 25 miles from Lowes and Home Depot so I'm doing dishes in dish pans in the bath tub. Ha, ha, ha.
I figure some people's taste runs to the simply styled anyway. Right now it's on tees and tote bags but I'm planning a line of aprons and kitchen stuff like mugs soon.
I presently only have three designs total in three product sections - "Seek Him" "Low Carb Goodies" and "Obama Stuff" and I'm going to try to ad something new every day or so.
Hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained.
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