It's Monday and I'm taking the day off. My weekend was incredibly busy and I got very little down time - in other words a typical weekend for me. I have reading to catch up on and a nap with my name on it.
Enjoy these links:
How a Very Low Calorie Diet Can Make You Gain Weight By Meri Raffetto
The weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry filled with meal plans that provide very low calorie levels. This is the magic bullet because if you follow these meal plans closely you will absolutely lose weight. You’re happy and the company can say they gave you what they promised. Physiologically we know that very low calorie diets work for short term weight loss but the question is what are we doing to ourselves in the long run?
The fact is; very low calorie diets (1,000 – 1200 calories or less) are contributing to weight gain more than they are helping people to find lasting weight loss. Many people feel they have to go on a very low calorie diet because this is the only way their weight will budge. Well…they’re right and this is why. Read more.
The Secret to Losing Weight - It’s All in the After-Burn By Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
When it comes to fat loss, research shows that metabolic resistance training is more effective in burning calories than aerobic exercise. Not sure what metabolic resistance training is? It’s a vigorous weight-lifting session that targets multiple muscle groups with only short rest periods between sets and exercises. This type of training results in an “after-burn,” an increased metabolic rate that persists for hours after the training session ends. Read more.
Make the Most of Your Metabolism By Colette Bouchez - WebMD Weight Loss Clinic-Feature Reviewed by Louise Chang, MD
"It's my metabolism!"
Sound familiar? If you're carrying some extra pounds (and having a hard time losing them), it's tempting to put the blame on a sluggish metabolism.
But is your metabolism really the reason it's often so hard to lose weight? And, more important, is there anything you can do about it?
WebMD asked experts to explore facts and myths about metabolism -- and the good news is, there are things you can do to help boost your body's calorie-burning power. Read more.
Do Diet Foods Lead To Weight Gain?
If you think you're cutting calories by eating diet or low-calorie versions of your favorite foods, think again. A new study by Canadian scientists published in the journal Obesity suggests that our bodies can't be fooled that easily.
Led by David Pierce, researchers at the University of Alberta studied the eating habits of young rats, and found that they tended to overeat when they were fed "diet" foods. Though the new study was conducted in animals, it adds to a growing body of research in humans that suggests a diet-foods paradox: the more low-calorie (or even zero-calorie) sodas and foods you consume, the more your body demands payback for the calories it was deprived. Read more.
Culinary Genius - Meat Cake!