Falling Once, Falling Twice,
Falling Chicken Soup with Rice...
(Chicken Soup with Rice by Maurice Sendak was a favorite book of mine as a child. I still have a copy).
Anyhow, I took two falls in the last two weeks and have been too stove up for Power 90X, let alone any workout more rigorous than an encounter with my Homedic Shiatsu massager and Light Relief - both which I highly recommend. I use the Light Relief regularly for lower back arthritis and shoulder tendonitis also. Not to go into the boring details, I'd love to report I fell twice on the nearby slopes of Diamond Peak or Heavenly but I managed a nasty encounter with a large dresser because of a dip in our bedroom floor and another one with a very hard treadmill. I've reached the heights of soreness!
As of now, I'm not planning to attempt working out until the kid is back in school after the holidays. We shall see if my newly acquired muscle mass can make up for a lack of exercise combined with Holiday indulgences for 3 or 4 weeks. So far I've gone 10 days without a workout, had 4 days over 2000 calories with 6 around 1600 calories, and still eeked my way down from 116 to 113 pounds (likely it was water weight). Without effort. Wow. This extra muscle thing may be just the ticket.
Y'all have a Merry Merry. I'll update again soon. During the long holiday (December 22nd through January 7th) we'll be doing videos and photo shoots for sure, always good blog fodder.