We all know dieting alone is rarely successful in the long run. Just peruse the myriad of dieters blogs – including both low carbohydrate and low fat - to witness how many never reach goal nor manage to stay at goal. Even casual exercise is not always enough to help some maintain. After all it’s very easy in one meal alone to out eat the meager calorie deficit created by a single aerobics session.
If you take a different approach and seek out those who are successful at weight management and achieving their physique goals you’ll find a very different story. Success is not achieved through dieting alone nor is casual exercise the answer. The answer is a diligent resistance training program that includes aerobics and careful nutrition.
Below are five articles and five websites that demonstrate the path to success in your fitness and physique goals is a balanced approach that encompassed resistance training, informed nutrition, and aerobics.
Best Recent Articles:
Build and Burn – Cycling caloric surplus and deficit.
Debunking Nutrition Myths – Carbs are evil? Low fat diets are good? Debunking common nutrition myths.
Too Much of a Good Thing – The Drawbacks of Overtraining
6 Bodybuilding Diet Mistakes
Best Sites:
Dave Draper’s Iron Online
Lee LaBrada
The Elite Physique
This is by no means a comprehensive list. It's just a few I recently read and wanted to share.
Remember you get what you put into something and this is doubly true of fitness and nutrition. Avoid simplistic or incomplete approaches like dieting alone or having an affair with the elliptical machine while ignoring the weight room so long it cries itself to sleep. Finding balance is a worthy goal that will get you better results than half-arsed approaches.