Wow. I got an early Christmas gift. The scale was back down to 113 this morning WITH my oversize sleep shirt still on. Body fat percent stayed roughly the same, still in the 17 percent range. I probably dropped some water weight. Still, it’s a nice number to see.
I’m done Christmas shopping but still have a lot on my to do list. My cousin Debby said to me yesterday, “I'll bet you're all ready for Christmas, aren't you? Darned little overachiever!!!” Ha, ha, I told her I was done, put a fork in me. You have to shop ahead when you have a seven year old with precise demands like a 661 piece lego set like this one.
And my best news is my husband is taking the whole Christmas week off! Yeah! Nine straight days of Jerry! Ho, ho, ho! Tis the season to be jolly, after all.
Here’s a variety of Christmas and Holiday videos and links you might enjoy.
Psycho Cat Christmas
Tacky Christmas Yards
The North Pole
The History of Christmas
Christmas on the Net
Hanukkah / Chanukkah The Festival of Lights
The Official Kwanzaa Website
Do They Know It’s Christmas?
Jesus 2020
Santa Claus.com
Charlie Brown Christmas - Performed by the Cast of Scrubs
Worthy Ministries Their Daily Worthy Brief is Great!
Jesus Freak Network – Proud and Happy To Be One!
12 Days of Christmas Parody