Now tell me he's wrong because he's fat and sick.
As a gift to myself I’ve disabled commenting on this blog until the new year.
I’ve had quite a few people – namely low carbohydrate dieters / carbohydrate phobics – comment on some of my posts on my views that moderate carbohydrate intake is the way to go if you’re engaging in intense workouts, particularly resistance training. Seems I’m not too popular because of this stance despite many reliable sources to back it up. See 'How Many Carbs Does A Bodybuilder Really Need' by Expert Chris Aceto. And apparently several of these carbohydrate phobics don’t actually read the whole of anything I post before deciding to snap at me because of their skewed or misinformed views.
A low carbohydrate diet (20 to 150 grams depending on the program) may be appropriate for people who are overweight, obese, diabetic, sedentary, bodybuilders in the 'get ripped' stage, or moderately active people (yeah, youse guys on the exercise bike and elliptical machine! Try a few sessions of Power 90X, ya sissies!)
But healthy people of normal weight who are seeking to build muscle mass through intense resistance training (like ME busting ass on Power 90X) need more carbohydrates to support muscle growth, glycogen stores, increased fuel needs, maintaining energy for performance, and because we earned it with the ass busting workout. ;)

I’ve had comment moderating on so I’ve been able to reject most or all of the offensive comments. Lately I find myself rejecting all comments from known low carbers to try to discourage them. Unfortunately they find their way here because of my address and the fact most people who link here haven’t changed the name of the blog from Kudos For Low Carb. I’m seriously considering a move to another address after the holidays.

And for goodness sake, it is the holiday season. Why these people are so mean spirited and ill tempered this close to the Lord’s birthday is beyond me. Perhaps they’re missing out on some vital nutrients from foregoing carbohydrates for so long.
Maybe that's why they're mad at me, I'm actually getting around 80 to 150 grams of unrefined and refined carbs a day (with appropriate nutrient timing) and have loads of energy to perform Power 90X extreme workouts and do all the other things I need to - like shop all day on Saturday.
That can't sit well with somebody passing on every seasonal treat except turkey, ham, nuts, and celery sticks. But sedentary and moderately active low carbers who insist on coming here are going to have to come to terms with the fact that the pursuit of serious athletics and bodybuilding - both amateur and pro - requires a different fuel mix than the rest of you. I'm not backing down from what I know is fact. Anabolic nutrient timing is a scientifically proven method.
If you want to eat a low or no carbohydrate diet for whatever reason that's fine with me. Frankly I don't give a fig what you do or do not do or why. It's your life, it's your right to do as you see fit. And it's my right to do the very same and write about it without suffering idiots and fools who don't even bother to do the research
on bodybuilding nutrition. Spouting off on a totally unrelated subject - namely dieting for weight loss - has nothing to do with what I am doing and writing about now - namely building muscle mass and not persuing fat loss. Maybe next year I'll decide to nudge down my body fat percentage. Maybe I'll cut a few carbs to do it and write about it.
But right now I'd be doing myself a grave disservice to cut way back on good fuel sources sanctioned on the Power 90X nutrition plan like apples, pears, grapes, brown rice, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, beans, and more.
Yum, Yum!

So as a gift to myself I’ve disabled commenting for now. Who needs that kind of annoying behavior? I’ve got a lot going on in my life right now and don’t have time for this nonsense and negativity. Unfortunately the civil and clear thinking folks will be left out too. Sometimes a few bad apples do spoil it for everyone.

After the holidays I’ll decide whether to stay put and chance the nuttiness from those people deep into carbohydrate withdrawal (or just lacking a life or a know how for engaging in polite exchange) or move my blog altogether. Yes, they could follow me to the new site but they won’t be stumbling onto me from old links.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! And have a Blessed New Year!
(Even the ill tempered and argumentative. Maybe it’s time to add a bit of liquid cheer to your low carb hot cocoa and chill out).
Now pardon me, I have gifts to wrap and a hot buttered rum to sip.