It’s time for a links round up of websites worthy of checking out.
Opposing Views has a debate going on asking the ever controversial question “Are Low-Carb Diets Healthy?”
“Struggling with weight loss? Ever since Dr. Atkins introduced his revolutionary diet, low-carb regimens have been all the rage. These diets promise that you can lose weight, while still enjoying many of the foods you love (T-Bone steak anyone?). But some have warned that the low-carb craze isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. What should we be aware of when considering a farewell to pasta?”
Check out their discussion and feel free to add your two cents in the comments section. Our fellow low carb friends and warriors Jimmy Moore and Jamie VanEaton gave their views.
PJ at The Divine Low Carb has a raw, honest, and poignant post on how her body changes as she loses weight. Her details on the experience of her body's "redistribution of the wealth" is a great read.
Wifezilla has written several excellent posts lately I enjoyed. Check out her “More Reasons To Avoid Fruit Juice,” “Carbs Clog Your Brain” and “Wifezilla Versus Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld,” at Wifezilla’s Way.
And last but not least, be sure to check out Jamie VanEaton’s Low Carb Examiner Column AND Amy Dungan’s Low Carb Examiner Column. These Ladies have plenty to say about living a healthy low carb lifestyle.