My name is Andy Ashton. I was born in England May 18th 1983 in a town called Blackpool. As a young child I was very active, healthy and mischievous, I found it very hard to focus on the academic side, but when the bell rang and it was time to play sport, you could be sure that I was the first youth to be in line. As a young child I took part & competed in every sport there was, winning many competitions and awards. I wasn’t too sure of what I was going to do in life as I started to grow older, but when I was introduced to the world of fitness, I knew that this was my ultimate passion. Fitness became a part of me at the early age of 15. I began working out in my parent’s garage, as soon as I started seeing the results in my physique all I wanted was exercise equipment. I started learning the science of training & nutrition, & what worked through studying many courses, applying the knowledge, hard training, dedication, consistency, and to have the determination to have the success in everything I put my mind to.
At the age of 18, I decided to take a vacation with some friends to the beautiful island of Ibiza (Spain), where God sent me a beautiful angel who has been guiding me in my life. In 2000 I immigrated to Seville (Spain), where I competed in my first bodybuilding show, which I placed 1st, becoming the Junior Bodybuilding Champion of Spain.