I’m still running a 2 degree fever and achy from this flu. I’m not feeling too bad but my brain is fuzzy so I'm not confident I could write cohesively. I go zooming along feeling okay enough to do a few chores then BAM. I crash and feel like a wet noodle.
I guess it all happened at the right time. We lost our internet connection yesterday – Hughes.net is upgrading and we hadn’t swapped out our new wireless modem for the old until last night. What a pain in the arse. My husband was on the phone with tech support just short of three hours.
But alas, my flu riddled body and brain spent most of yesterday and last evening watching my new DVD set of House M.D. Season Three. I couldn’t have cared less about being offline, I was on a Hugh Laurie high. If you're a fan this DVD set is a must. It's a totally different experience to watch big chunks of the season at one sitting commercial free and on a high definition screen. I'm enthralled.
This morning I’m online and our satellite connection is faster than ever. I’ve got two laptops going at once and they’re going ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM. I found these links to share:
Is It Okay To Workout If You Have The Flu or a Cold?
Becky at Winning Weight Loss has some amazing insiders information on Kimmer’s imaginary Red Dress photo shoot and Kimmer’s business practices.
Regina Wilshire has an insightful review of Gary Taubes book ‘Good Calories, Bad`Calories’.
Check out Jimmy Moore’s latest Livin’ La Vida Low Carb podcast Heidi Diaz: Don’t Let The Door Hit Ya! (Episode 94)
Read “As a bodybuilder, I find that low-carb dieting spares more muscle and burns more fat than low-fat dieting” The author of Truly Huge answers questions about Low Carb.
A Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet To Treat Obesity and Hyperlipidemia
In summary, over 24 weeks, healthy hyperlipidemic persons who followed a low-carbohydrate diet lost more body weight and body fat than did those who followed a low-fat diet.