This is just an update. I'm mostly over the flu and back on track. I did Power 90X Legs and Back yesterday and planning on Power 90X Kenpo Karate today. I'm also reading Gary Taubes' 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' and making notes for a review.
And I finally managed to cook and freeze all the tomatoes from the garden. I have no less than 20 gallons of marinara, 5 gallons of salsa, 5 gallons of chili sauce, and 10 gallons of pickles vegetables in my freezers. I've been cooking at least three days a week since June and I'm glad to be done.
Other than that I'm behind in everything else, writing, blogging, making videos for here and YouTube, chores, planning for Halloween, posting at the Low Carb Discussion forum. I'll get back up to speed eventually. Until then, here's some gratuitous family photos from our weekend. (Okay, I tried to post photos and that function isn't working. I'll try later).