Although I’ve got several blog articles in the works I’m not going to have time to finish any today as I’m booked up. Think getting the kid off to school, emptying litter boxes and scrubbing down the entire bathroom for starters. What did you think, I was all booked up entertaining celebrities? Okay, Tom Selleck keeps calling but he can’t afford my fees yet.
Rather than post nothing at all I’d rather blast you with a little existential me. And I'll offer some helpful links that might make you think, get you excited, even educate. Hey, just call me the Links Queen (beats being the Litter Box Queen).
It’s October 1st. GASP. I’ll be 48 in 30 Days! Time marches on...
What is time anyway?
“There are two distinct views on the meaning of the word time.
One view is that time is part of the fundamental structure of the universe, a dimension in which events occur in sequence, and time itself is something that can be measured. This is the realist's view, to which Sir Isaac Newton subscribed, and hence is sometimes referred to as Newtonian time.
A contrasting view is that time is part of humanity's fundamental intellectual structure (together with space and number). Within this structure, humans sequence events, quantify the duration of events and the intervals between them, and compare the motions of objects. In this second view, time does not refer to any kind of entity that "flows", that objects "move through", or that is a "container" for events. This view is in the tradition of Gottfried Leibniz and Immanuel Kant, in which time, rather than being an objective thing to be measured, is part of the measuring system used by humans.” Read more.
And what do we let time do to us? Many things including aging, but one that comes to mind is we let time, or our perceived lack thereof, stress us out. Of course this is a self fulfilling prophesy as most of us overbook our lives with meetings, errands, chores. Hmm, see above, I do it too.
Stress.org has many plenty to say on the subject. But my interest has been in the how and why stress affects hormones and triggers cortisol that tells our bodies to store what we eat as fat rather than burn it as fuel. Weight Loss MD has a user friendly article on this phenomenon, Can Stress Cause Weight Gain?
One great stress reliever most of us try to avoid is exercise. Here’s a few links on stress and exercise:
Learn how to work yourself out of the blues
Exercise for Relieving Stress
Exercises for relieving stress may be in the form physical, mental, or spiritual exercise
Time management would serve us well in all areas and we’d have more time to exercise!
Time management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity
11 Time Management Tip
Times up! Bringing us full circle, which is weird as time is viewed as linear. Time is our friend or our enemy depending on how we treat our time. We’ve only got so much time in life. We might as well enjoy ourselves.
More Links:
Einstein was right: space and time bend
Bending Time with Reiki
Traveling Through Time
Exercise, Meditation and Depression
It is now well known that physical exercise can alter hormone levels within the body and have a positive effect on our moods, however new research has demonstrated that meditation offers similar benefits.
Halloween Magic Persists