First step of a kitchen remodel...Clean the microwave?

Demolition Work.

Nice View! I Like That View!

One Thumbs Up

Bruno Enjoying The Chaos.

I Love My New (Used) Stove!

Jerry and Bruno

Even Arlie Approves!

Gratuitous Cat Photos
Paula Deen's on Food TV making cornbread, pie, and taters. She's wearing an apron that says "Country Cooking Makes You Good Looking." And I'm thinking "Country Cooking Makes Us Fat Diabetics With High Blood Pressure and Heart Disease."
Okay, we spent Sunday in Kitchen Remodel Phase 2. We previously tore out the old pantry and added new streamlined basket-style drawers.` We'd planned to tear out everything beneath the sink and opt for an open look so the cats could keep the mice at bay. (Jerry found two places the mice had chewed through the wall and patched those). But we hadn't planned on replacing our stove. Though it was old I thought it was just fine. Boy was I wrong...
Friday night Jerry was perusing Craig's List (he's a Craig's List addict) and I was sitting next to him reading too. He was`in the Free section and I spotted a free electric stove in Carson City. I said click on it and he says "It's electric." Our old one was gas. I said, "I've always wanted to try an electric stove." So he emails the people and asks where they live and can we pick it up Saturday if they still have it."
The next morning he comes in the bedroom and wakes me up a little after six am and says "We have a problem." That's his most used catch phrase. He'll call me in the afternoon and say "We have a problem," and I imagine things like his van broke down, he's in the emergency room, etc. And then he says "They're out of our brand of mayonnaise." For heavens sake, man, out of our brand of mayo is NOT a problem! Twelve years together and I still fall for it every time.
Anyway, the people who listed the stove got so many inquiries they decided to put the stove by the curb and emailed everyone that whoever got there first got the stove. Well, lucky for us, my husband's the original early bird (up at 1 am weekdays) and he was up at 4 am. So he was the first to get the email and off we drove at 6:30 am. Long story short (oh, too late, I blabbed long already) we got the stove.
It's a double oven Magic Chef and has features we didn't even knew existed like a digital temperature display that shows the temp as it heats up (200 degrees, 250 degrees, 300 degrees, etc.) Even at 450 degrees the oven door stays COOL. And now I know what a sh!#y stove the old one was! The pizza come out perfect now! (Hey, I save carbs up just so I can have pizza. I'm Italian!)
Reminder to Hugh Laurie / House M.D. fans, tonight is the premiere of season four!
Tune in at 9 pm Pacific on Fox.
My dilemma? Dancing With The Stars is on from 8-10 pm, The Biggest Loser is on 8-10 pm, House is on 9-10 pm, and Boston Legal is on 9:30-11 pm. All my favorites in one night and they all overlap! Thank God I have a TIVO, two TVs and two VCRs in the living room! Now I just have to figure out the recording logistics.
Thanks God NCIS at 8 pm is a rerun!