The first How-To By The Who-Done-Its blog article, "10 Easy Low Carb Snacks" is up. It features 10 easy snacks and two recipes.
Here's an excerpt:
"You’re crunched for time. You have children to get off to school, errands to run, a demanding job, and extra-curricular activities with you kids in the evening. You’re sorely tempted to pick up a burger and fries at a drive-thru or grab a candy bar and soda at the 7-Eleven. What are you to do to keep your diet from flushing down the tubes?
The best strategy is to plan ahead and be prepared. If you don’t you’re leaving yourself wide open to every high carb / high calorie temptation in your path.
Read More Here.
Bloggers are still wanted to be co-authors of this new site. For more info go here.