Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Hey You! You're Invited.
Are You A Who Done-It?
Introducing a New Blog Called “How-Tos By The Who-Done-Its”
No, it’s not about how to murder your boss or steal your best friend’s boyfriend.
Okay friends and readers, are you a blogger or writer with something to say on nearly any topic? I opened another blog and I’m hoping some of you fellow bloggers will join me in this endeavor. It’s actually an experiment until others actually join me because I don’t want to carry another blog alone.
My objective is to put together a collection of articles on topics including low carb lifestyle, fitness, health, nutrition, cooking, spirituality, opinion pieces, crafts, recreational activities, product reviews, and other topics. My husband might join us with handyman and remodeling how-to articles.
The only requirements are that the articles are informative. You don’t need to be a professional or authority on the subject(s) you write about it, just a “Who-Done-It” who can write factual and accurate how-to articles. The writing can be any style and any length within reason. You can submit already published blog articles or post the same piece wherever you like. You can submit one piece one time only or submit as many as you want. Feel free to include a short biography, photos and links. If you submit even once you’ll receive a link to your blog and/or website on the Contributors blogroll. The Who Done It site will be linked to my other blogs and get it's share of mentions (like posts announcing every new article) at my blog with the heaviest traffic Kudos For Low Carb. Unfortunately that’s the only compensation I can offer.
The blog will be advertising free and no profits will be made. All writing will remain the property of the authors. I only ask that you proofread your work for typographical errors. I see this blog – if successful – as a community project with one objective; to share our knowledge.
Some article idea examples:
“How To Begin A Low Carb Diet”
“5 Must Have Exercise Videos”
"What you can do about global warming."
“How To Start A Resistance Training Program”
“7 Ways to Get Kids To Eat Vegetables.”
"When to see a doctor and what you need to tell him/her."
“Starting a blog people will read.”
“How I lost 50 pounds.”
“My adventures in cooking quiche.”
“How to tile your bathroom.”
“Beginning a hobby that pays.”
"Fun with low carb cooking.”
“Where to go for a thrilling equestrian vacation.”
“Why I recommend buying the XYZ exercise machine.”
“Easy ways to cut 250 calories a day”
Use you’re imaginations and come up with your own titles and subjects. But most of all have fun!
If you're interested in participating as a regular poster, an occasional contributor, or as a one time guest writer/blogger, feel free to post a response here at my Kudos For Low Carb blog or my How-Tos By The Who-Done-Its Blog or email me at how_to_who_done_it@yahoo.com
Don't make me have to come begging.
Bloggers Wanted,
New Blog,
Writers Wanted.,