One of the biggest mistakes dieters make is trusting food manufacturers, not reading labels, and not researching nutrition information on unlabeled food items like meats. This can lead to consuming hundreds of extra calories a day. Not only can this stall your diet it can lead to unwanted weight gain. You may think you're eating healthy, yet end up packing on extra pounds.
Food manufacturers play tricks on consumers by commonly marketing products like sodas, candy, and snack foods like chips and cookies, in packages that appear to be single servings. But most are actually two or more servings per package. Few people who eat high calorie, refined snack foods bother to read the nutrition labels. This is one reason so many people are overweight. Simple oversight on how much you're really putting in your mouth is a crime against your waist.
We assume we're sticking to our diet when we shop the frozen foods section and buy prepackaged diet foods. They're portion controlled for us and low in fat and calories. Well, maybe not.
On example is Michelina brand Lean Gourmet Snackers Baked Pepperoni Pizza. The package is the same size as the other diet entrees. Read more and and watch the videos.