Losing weight is the national past time. Driven by the obesity epidemic, weight loss is the goal of millions of us. A convenient source of reliable weight loss and diet advice are magazines who rely on nutrition experts. Muscle & Fitness magazine is a leader in the field of fitness and nutrition.

Long time fitness icon, Joe Weider, began Muscle & Fitness magazine as an easy to understand guide to fitness and diet for the average Joe and Jane. People seeking to shape up will find valuable and entertaining articles on diverse topics including nutrition and diets, supplements, fat burning, fitness and training, proper exercise form, and even gym etiquette.
Muscle & Fitness magazine features must read articles including recently featured gems like "Unlikely Fat Burners: Burn more blubber with this quintet of adipose annihilators," "50 Rules of Fat-burning," and "Nutrition Notebook: Anti Obesi-Tea."
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