Meme Roth, President/Founder of National Action Against Obesity, wants YOU to eat less. Apparently way less.
Here's an excerpt from an article on the website Jezebel:
"Last night on Nightline, obesity "expert" Meme Roth revealed that she eats only 1,300 calories a day — unless she runs four miles and works out. It's not the first time Roth has intimated she has an eating disorder."
Oddly, this woman who calls herself an "obesity expert" appears to be a victim of anorexia nervosa. Roth is visibly too thin in a clip from Penn & Teller: Bullshit! on Fast Food in which she appears in a sleeveless shirt in her kitchen. Roth sneers down her thin nose at normal weight people eating fast food and says we Americans are too stupid to know what's bad for us. Yeah, right.
Click here to load full version of Penn & Teller Fast Food video at Cast TV. Adult Language.
In another article, Roth compares eating food to rape.
Roth said, "The defence has been made in the case of sex criminals that there is pleasure on the part of the victim. The same is true with what we're doing with food. We may abuse our bodies with food, but it's incredibly pleasurable. From a food marketer's point of view, when your quote unquote victim is so willing and enjoying of the process, who's fighting back?"
Oh, PLEASE. Meme Roth wants to be everybody's food nanny. No wait, everybody's dominatrix of the kitchen. How's that for imagery? "As the Guardian's admirably hard-hitting Gaby Wood reveals, Roth isn't too good at analysis, of herself or anyone else."
ABC Nightline: Too Fat To Fly. Greg Banks replied to the discussion "MeMe Roth is a bigot".