Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My Exclusive Interview with Patricia Moreno, One of the Top 10 Women Who Shape the World
I had the pleasure of interviewing Patricia Moreno, creator of IntenSati, a few months ago. HeartCore Corporation just published my exclusive interview on their website Healthy New Age, Interview with Patricia Moreno, One of the Top 10 Women Who Shape the World, which you can read here.
I also published a separate article with Patricia's exercise tips at The Examiner a few months ago, "Patricia Moreno's exercise tips for a great body and a great life," which you can read here.
Reebok Instructor Patricia Moreno
Patricia Moreno Leads her WarriorSati and IntenSati workouts
HeartCore Corporation,
Patricia Moreno
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
How your body loses fat
My last article on carb cycling brings up an excellent point many low carbohydrate advocates and dieters overlook. Active amateur and professional athletes, including those who weight train or pursue bodybuilding, have different energy needs than sedentary and moderately active people.
The physiological mechanism behind low carbohydrate weight loss theory is ketosis. Ketosis is one way the body uses body fat. The mechanism “is a stage in metabolism occurring when the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies which can be used by the body for energy."
But ketosis is not the only way to lose body fat. If it were, moderate and high carbohydrate diets like the Biggest Loser diet, Weight Watchers, Nutri-system, and The Dr. Oz Diet would not work at all. Read more.
How to burn body fat
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I Hit The Wall...Hard.
After two days of very low carb, shrimp, beef, coconut oil, and vegetables, I made the classic mistake of runners and marathoners. A morning session of 60 minutes of circuit training with weights (4 sets to failure) and jogging, followed by an evening session of 60 minutes interval training, depleted my glycogen stores. My average carb intake was 35-40 grams a day. Don't try this at home. No fun, kids.
I could barely get out of bed this morning. This was my first time hitting the wall. I usually take my own professional advice and eat enough unrefined carbs to fuel exercise performance (like one of the following, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup blackberries, 1/2 a banana, a slice of whole wheat bread, 1/2 cup sweet potato). Vegetables alone will not cut it if you're doing the rough stuff.
Making a cup of tea was a monumental effort. I'm replacing my glycogen stores today. And resting. Breakfast was whole wheat bread with an ounce of cheddar and teaspoon of mayo. Mid morning snack will be oatmeal and fruit with protein powder. But I'm still exhausted, not to mention sore.
If you're going to perform some serious exercise don't do this: Hitting The Wall.
Low carbers beware. Stay in a moderate exercise range, or properly fuel for exercise intensity when doing programs like Power 90X Doubles. More on this when I've recovered.
Related links:
Matching Carbohydrate Intake To Activity Levels
Avoid hitting the wall.
Low Carb Myths
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
My Exclusive One on One Interview with Tony Horton
Tony Horton is the fitness mastermind behind revolutionary Beachbody programs like Power 90, Power 90X, Power 90X Plus, 10 Minute Trainer, One On One With Tony Horton, and Great Body Guaranteed.
I've reviewed many of his workouts here and recently spoke to him on the phone for an exclusive interview. To read my interview with Tony, published by HeartCore Corporation at their Healthy New Age website, click here.
To read my biography on Tony Horton click here.
Monday, February 9, 2009
Are you making New Years excuses?
"Excuses are lies we tell ourselves to avoid dealing with unpleasant truths. But as long as we buy into those excuses, we can never move past them." - Steve Pavlina
We create our own reality for the most part. Sure, there are circumstances we can’t control, disability, illness, injuries, personal setbacks, work and family problems, husbands who eat ice cream in front of us every night. But how we react and what we choose to do when faced with challenges creates our successes or failures.
How many times have we come to a fork in the road and had to make a hard decision? (And sometimes that fork has cake on it!) Read more.
Excuses and Obstacles,
Monday, February 2, 2009
Super Bowl junk food hangover?
Are you screaming at the scale today? (Yes, I yelled out "Stupid scale!" this morning. Those potato chips pack a big sodium wallop. But I can still feel my ab muscles beneath the bloat). If you're one of those weight watchers who fell off the diet wagon on Super Bowl Sunday and want to escape the bloat, here's a few tips to get back on track (like I'm about to do).
First, clean up your act. Read more.
Super Bowl