Getting fit and lean takes more than good nutrition. Exercise goes hand in hand with clean eating to achieve the buff body you want. One excellent way to incorporate both aerobics and resistance training into your workouts is boxing. Boxers stay super fit and you can enjoy the benefits of their training techniques in your own home.
The Elite MMA speed bag set is high quality and easy to install in your home gym. Made of top quality materials, it's designed to hold up to daily use. Whether you're a beginner or an intermediate boxer, this boxing bag will meet your needs and expectations. This attractive set includes a 24 inch adjustable wooden drum for fast and smooth rebounds. You get the works, an 11" x 7" speed bag, a pair of vinyl bag gloves, hand wraps, and a nylon jump rope for aerobic conditioning.
Punch, jab, and upper cut moves work your upper body. Front kicks, side kicks, and donkey kicks work your legs and core. And jumping rope is a longtime standard training method of boxers. While many good exercise videos feature kickboxing and martial arts, to maximize results it's important to own a good speed bag set. And best of all, boxing relieves stress as well as getting you extremely fit fast.
Speed Bag Training