Recent scientific studies are pointing to refined carbohydrates as one of the bad guys in the development of cardiovascular disease. Dietary fat, and saturated fat in particular, had been fingered as the ring leader of heart disease culprits since the 1950s.
Recent science (see references below) contradicts this long held hypothesis. Ancel Keys fabricated the lipid hypothesis controversy, which was not based on sound science: "Subsequent and independent analysis of the data that were available to Keys shows that he "cherry picked" only those countries with numbers that supported his hypothesis and omitted a significant amount of data that showed there was actually no correlation between dietary fat, cholesterol, and arteriosclerosis. But this information has been largely ignored." From Smart Heart Living website. Read more.
The new model for chief culprit in causing heart disease is inflammation. See 'Growing proof inflammation is a major risk factor for heart disease' published by The Cleveland Clinic. Chief contributors to inflammation are ... read more, view research links, and watch the video.