The twin epidemics of obesity and diabetes go hand in hand, and for many reasons, may never be resolved. Not to sound a negative tone, but various factors are at play in these health issues. They are intertwined in ways that make them more dangerous and hard to overcome as a society.
I had a dream the other night that I was out running a flood. I reached high ground, looked back and saw people drowning just above a set of steps I just ascended that could easily save them. If they just put their feet down they could find the steps the desperately needed. I told them, “The steps are right there. Just put your feet down and save yourself.” Only one did, (oddly enough, a young, naked Merle Haggard. Unfortunately, I woke up).
I interpreted the dream on many levels, but it could easily represent the tide of obesity overtaking us and our seeming inability to implement the simple steps that could save us from suffering from overweight, obesity, and diabetes, and the other devastating diseases that accompany them.
I’ve observed the following among family, friends, acquaintances, and former nutrition clients: