High protein diets have long been used by fitness models and bodybuilders to build beautiful bodies. A sleek and lean physique is not built with workouts alone.
Protein not only aids in building muscle, it also helps these athletes diet successfully by dampening appetite.
Recent studies point to eating more protein as an aid in eating less overall. One editorial in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition goes do far as to ask, "The satiating power of protein—a key to obesity prevention?" While preventing hunger can give dieters an edge, this may not help typical Americans who overeat for reasons other than hunger. See this article.
Fats role
Eat protein at every meal. Protein digests more slowly than carbohydrates and fats. Approximately 25%-30% of the calories in each gram of protein are burned in digestion. In comparison, carbohydrates burn only 6%-8% of their calories in digestion. Protein has also been shown in studies to keep people full longer than fats or carbohydrates.