Download or read online a FREE .PDF or text copy of my cookbook 'The Best of the Best of JB Ranch Recipe Sampler Cookbook' by Carol Bardelli.
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Recipes included are from A Cowboy Cookin’ Every Night Cookbook By Carol Bardelli, All American Meals Cookbook Compiled by the JB Ranch Staff, Authentic Cowboy Cookery Then & Now by Carol Bardelli and F.E. “Lizzie” Hill, Easy Gourmet For Diabetics Cookbook By Carol Bardelli, SN, The Hooked Cook – A Fisherman’s Cookbook
By Carol Bardelli and John Cuneo Sr., The Protein Edge Cookbook High Protein, Low Fat, Low Calorie Recipes by Carol Bardelli, SN and the Iron Mountain Gym Staff, Wild Man Gourmet Wild Game Cookbook By Carol Bardelli & The JB Ranch Staff, Use Your Noodle! Three Italians Cook By Carol Bardelli, Nikki Diavolo & Dante “Blue” Azzurro.