Denise Austin, the perky and ageless fitness icon known for her plethora of fitness products also holds the top spot in the fitness world as the number one fitness brand. Her latest addition to her ever growing library of workout DVDs is Denise Austin Body Makeover Mix. See video demo below.
Denise has always tried to be innovative with each new fitness video she releases, and this one features quick and effective 15 minute workouts. While these fun mini workouts are not designed for fat burning, they do build lean and toned muscle. And it’s muscle that burns fat around the clock.
Her Denise Austin Body Makeover Mix is designed to make strength training fast and easy. Denise combines the use of free weights, Pilates moves, and ballet inspired exercises to maximize results. You really can dramatically slim and sculpt your body with these three toning workouts.
Denise Austin fitness videos usually offer a fun selection of exercises you can usually modify to fit your fitness level. This video is an excellent starter DVD for those unfamiliar with resistance training. You can dive right in and start getting the results you want for a toned body that burns fat efficiently. Skip the dance workout dvd and get Denise Austin Body Makeover Mix. Adequate muscle is truly the key to fast weight loss.
Denise offers weight loss tips in most of her workout DVDs. I recommend also investing in a good Denise Austin weight loss and fitness system like her new book ‘Denise's Daily Dozen: The Easy, Every Day Program to Lose Up to 12 Pounds in 2 Weeks by Denise Austin‘, or a fan favorite like ‘Fit and Fabulous After 40: A 5-Part Program for Turning Back the Clock by Denise Austin’.
A reminder, make your weight loss and fitness goals achievable. Don’t expect unrealistic results or quick weight loss. Your goals should be based on your body type, how much weight you need to lose, your present fitness level, and your age. Be realistic and be kind to yourself for making an effort.
Avoid weight loss products promising rapid weight loss results. The human body is not designed for rapid weight loss. Keep in mind that diet alone can‘t develop your muscles or give you the sleek and sexy body you deserve. Denise’s DVDs, including Denise Austin Body Makeover Mix, provide proper exercises that promote healthy weight loss effectively and safely.