I haven't worked out regularly. Family illnesses, another new writing job, a change in venue in my Examiner column, and time consuming personal challenges got in the way of my doing so.
Beyond testing and writing reviews for exercise videos, I'm just doing resistance training now and then. I'm not posting reviews on all the fitness DVDs I get. Because, frankly some of the workouts, well, frankly suck. Frank should pay me for the press.
The reasons are simple for not reviewing some exercise DVDs. The host is a bore or too cheerful, or a drone. The setting is not inspirational, or doesn't apply to the workout venue. Or the exercises / workout is a rip off from other routines. Think chatting Cathy in her too neat and tidy pink and purple exercise room, or in a cheap film studio. If you're doing one more version of Taebo, kick boxing, or whatever the latest trend is at the moment, I don't need another wannabe.
By the way, Kettlebells have a flaw. It's easy to skip negative reps. This equals a lack of muscle stimulation and growth. I think Jon Benson said so in a newsletter. Read up, kiddos. I digress.
Maybe I should warn you all off these mediocre or bad exercise videos. But the titles are new and often obscure. I'm not that worried you'll end up blowing a few dollars on a so so fitness DVD and not financially survive. If your budget margin is that tight, go here, or here.
I digress. I like to.
Things are settling down somewhat now. Summer is coming and hopefully that will mean more time to devote to non essentials - like blogging!
Yes, blogging is no longer a priority. It's not that I don't want to, I really do miss it. But when writing time should be devoted to better paying projects, I have to put my freelance writing first. My Examiner column, which started with my being assigned as a "Fitness Examiner" and later the "Nutrition Examiner" is now a completely different ball of wax. I'm now the "Healthy Recipes Examiner" and I love it!
I started at Suite 101 covering diet and nutrition, but quickly moved to the Food Section. Yes, a dream has come true, I am a Food Writer! Like old times, when my son was little and I was immersed in writing cookbooks, I'm hip deep in recipes and food experiments. Yum!
(I did gain ten pounds due to lack of exercise. As a family we've been sick with allergies, colds, and other crappy conditions most of this year. But I plan to workout more and eat less carbs soon.)
God willing and the sea don't rise, I'm back to blogging as often as my schedule will allow. For now, check out my recipes at the Examiner Food Section and my recipes at Suite 101.