The holiday season is full of opportunities to eat. The 400 Calorie Fix Diet can help you stay slim and even lose weight throughout the holidays. Below are easy meals and snacks to get you started today. It's time to eat your way thin and boost your metabolism with the right foods. This diet allows you to go low carb, low fat, or simply eat what you love as long as your meals are approximately 400 calories each.
Endorsed by Rachael Ray, this eating program allows you to lose as much as ten pounds in two weeks eating foods you'll enjoy. If anyone knows delicious foods are a must even when cooking and eating healthy, it's Rachael Ray. And one lady who testified to the effectiveness of the 400 Calorie Fix on The Rachael Ray show lost 6 pounds in her first two days. You can too eating by the 400 Calorie Fix rule. You can also jump start your 400 Calorie Fix with these delicious recipes. To read more on how to start your 400 Calorie Fix today, get recipes and meal examples, and see video click here.