Oprah says of her weight gain "I'm mad at myself, I'm embarrassed" Has Oprah been the queen of denial when it comes to weight gain? The answer is a definitive yes. Fans have watched all year as she slowly grew to 200 pounds. Sometimes our loyalty and love for someone blinds us, or causes us to overlook their faults and frailties. Several times, my husband has said, "Oprah's getting fat again." He's not one to mince words. I've repeatedly said, "I don't know, she's always been a big girl." Perhaps fans like me we're in denial also.
Oprah's trainer Bob Greene tells her "you're depressed." Oprah has gained 40 pounds in the past year due to upsetting circumstances in her life. Her best friend Gayle Greene, editor at large of O Magazine appeared this morning on "Good Morning America" to talk about Oprah's weight gain and her issues with a thyroid problem and depression. Gayle says, "I see a sadness in her face." Upset by the trouble that beset her girl's school in Africa, while strapped for time working on her show, magazine, and radio station, Oprah apparently has let herself go...again. Read more at my Examiner column.